Went on an impromptu trip to NJ with my cousin/friend/BJJ partner Kanika (pictured above) over the weekend. Job searching and resume editing for weeks at a time has really started to take a toll on me. ‘The rejections are an experience and learning opportunity’, is what I’ve been telling myself.

Honestly, it was nice to get out of the area even for the 2 days that we went. We stayed in the East Brunswick area and ate at a dim sum restaurant nearby. The food and service was terribly lacking. What I found interesting was the strange abandoned lots in the area behind the restaurant. Surrounding a small cement platform was a army of little saplings and trees. The platform seemed so out of place it was almost haunting. A small glimpse into a technologically apocalyptic world, perhaps? I found a drainage area framed by two trees and thought to myself how much nicer the spot would be if a nearby parking lot didn’t send its overflow into it. Along the same vein I found a pathway of trees that lead directly to a fence and neighborhood. It reminded me of long stretching pathways of trees I saw in France. They led to castles, gardens, museums…

Wanderlust has bitten me so hard these past months. It’s not exactly that I can’t up and hit the world with just my bag and my camera, it’s that I just won’t feel right until I have a steady job. It’s in my being to have structure, work and productivity. I wouldn’t be able to travel and explore if I knew I wasn’t making a difference, a change. That’s what you get when you spend weeks dissecting AmeriCorps’ and PeaceCorps’ websites and fanatically reading as many personal blogs of volunteers as humanly possible…I have a few opportunities coming up that may get me shots at the EPA and the Smithsonian. My resume has been diced up and taped back together so many times yet it never feels like it’s enough. I need to spice up my cover letter as well…That’s what happens when a Pre-Pharm student decides last minute to follow his dreams into Environmental Conservation - a tough uphill battle, but one that I think will be so incredibly worth it.

Here’s to getting up, brushing off and moving forward.

Trek On,
