Went on a spontaneous adventure into D.C. with my lovely photog friend Brie Gobel the other day. Though I wouldn’t normally consider somewhere so close as “travel”, I was surprised at how little I have explored D.C. and found wandering from cafe to cafe to pub to memorials to be invigoratingly adventurous! Whenever and wherever I end up finding myself these next couple of years, I know I will kick myself for not taking advantage of being so close to our nation’s capitol. I will surely kick myself for missing out on all the history and, of course, the fantastic brews and grinds.

Here’s to spontaneity and making plans happen! 


Picture taken at the flagship Busboys and Poets on 14th & V. The place was cozy, lively and filled with local art. It’s a artist/activist/lover of diversity’s dream place to eat and drink.