
     Decided to stay home today to do my usual resume/ application work. By chance it was also the day that, Bruce, the refrigerator repair man, came in to take a second look at our freezer. The whole affair went swimmingly and as colorlessly as I’d expected, until he asked me about my travels in France. I’m not sure how he knew I had travelled there this past summer but I answered him nonetheless and I quickly found that I was in the presence of a well seasoned adventurer. Bruce, in all of his bearded-pony-tailed glory, told me of his adventures in France, Amsterdam, Australia and so much more.

“When I was your age my boss hated giving me my paycheck, because he knew I wouldn’t be back for the next 6 weeks”.

I don’t exactly know what job he was working or how vacation hours worked back in 1975, but, Bruce would pack up his bags, choose a country and head there with nothing on his mind but experiencing the world.

“If you’re under 25, finished with school and got your education, I say HAUL ASS! Go to a country, apply for a work Visa, work a little and then off to the next country. Before you know it you’ve travelled the damn world! Because if you get right out of school and find a job, you’re not going anywhere! Next thing you know you’re 40 and you’re thinking to yourself, I never got to do any of those things.”

I kind of wished Bruce would stay for dinner and just tell me about his life. It was as close to serendipity as I’ve ever felt. I can’t say that it profoundly changed much for me…the gears of my wanderlust have been grinding ever since I left school. At the same time, my overbearing, responsible mind has been screeching the brakes on just as hard. I don’t want to get swept away by time, and I fear that every day that passes me, is me getting further and further behind. I’ve been raised to believe that you graduate from college and then you graduate from graduate school and then you work and study for your PhD. Then you get a big job and work and have a family. When that’s all said and done, you can finally enjoy your life. Coming from a family that literally came to this country with nothing, I understand the value we have on education and hard work. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t believe life should be lived without education and hard work. There should be no limit to how much one learns and accomplishes in their lifetime.

It’s just that…I don’t know. 

I simply, don’t know…

My resume has been refined and torn up by many experienced eyes these past few weeks and I am primed for another onslaught of applications. At the success rate I’ve been having, I am going to need to apply for a not-so-related-not-so-government job. I need the income and structure back in my life…

Well, here’s to what the future may or may not hold.

“Fallin’ from the sky
there are raindrops in my eyes.
And my thoughts are diggin’ in the backyard.
My roots have grown but I don’t know where they are”.

- The Head and The Heart, Cats and Dogs.

Trek On,

Christopher So

P.S. My freezer still doesn’t work.