Klamath 2015 - First Spike

Klamath River, CA
Elevation: 4,090 ft.

18% laptop battery - here we go.

The first spike of field work ended yesterday and the day has been well spent doing laundry, airing out the tents, relishing the wifi and recovering from 8 days of bushwacking up and down the steep exposures of the Klamath-Siskiyou Mountains. 

In a nutshell the project is a study on the affect of climate change on the regeneration of conifer forests. To refine the projection models the project needs hard data and that’s our job. Boots on the ground for 8 days and nights my team and I are visiting different burn sites ranging from 1987 to 2008, varying in aridity, and collecting data on the species present, growth forms, ground cover, soil samples, heights/ DBH and of course sampling saplings and older trees. The hope is that we can build a more complete picture on how the trees are growing compared to their broadleaf competitors and how the aridity, temperature and moisture has affected that. What’s that all mean? A lot of climbing, poison oak and sticky hands.

We are running a 8 on 6 off schedule in order to make the most out of a 40 hour week limitation which means early mornings, tired nights and baby wipe baths. The trade off of camp site nomad living is that for 8 days we are totally immersed in the mountains and trees. Seldom did we see another person, shower or town and it was wonderful. Dinners were communal, vegetarian and always satisfying. Breakfast and lunch were up to us and, seeing as how we lived out of the trucks and tents, my tailgate food-making skills came in handy.

To say that I have already seen and learned more than I could have imagined would be understating it. I have never seen mountains or forests like this and, as an east coaster, can bring a different perspective and appreciation for the new world I am exploring. Pokémon vibes were strong all week. From the rocky outcroppings to the misty mountains I have fallen in love with thie rugged and beautiful coast. I also learned to cook my first vegetarian meal - couscous and veggie meat, so not really. 

The best part of any job is the people and I already know that this team of ruffians is going to do great. We are all tough as nails, supportive of each other and funny as hell. With a dream team like that I know we are going to kick this season’s ass. 

5% left, right on. Till next time my wonderful family and friends. I miss you all and am thinking of home always!