Visited DC’s Eastern Market with the lovely Brie Gobel this past weekend. The old market boasts the title of “Washington DC’s oldest continually operated fresh food public market” and is located in historic Capitol Hill ( I was incredibly surprised to find such a lively and diverse market just a few steps away from a metro stop! The goods they sold ranged from finely aged meats and cheeses to fresh cut flowers and ready made seafood dishes. Surrounding the old building were outdoor stands filled with vendors selling odds and ends. While exploring the stands I was approached by an older gentleman named Dan. He was a local and had lived in the area for quite some years. He was interested in my camera and asked what I was shooting. As it turns out he, too, loved photography and had travelled extensively in Asia as a younger man, “When there were more honest things to shoot”. He told me about the area and how much livelier the markets are during the warmer weather. As it turns out the building we were in had, at one point, caught fire and had to be completely gutted out but because of its historic significance, was preserved and restored. Since it was first built in 1873 it has been a home for fresh produce and culture - I was simply honored to be there ( The best moment of the day, however, was when Dan bid Brie and I farewell and walked away into the market. It was at that moment that I realized he had been carrying a bouquet of flowers the entire time. My heart warmed to have met such a kind, and fascinating person.

Here’s to impromptu trips, good friends and blessed souls. 

Trek On,
