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     Good grief, I have learned my lesson on rushing things. It’s been too long since I’ve updated this blog and the one night I finally have enough time and energy I accidentally delete my ENTIRE Lightroom catalog/ photos. Definitely didn’t understand what my computer meant by clearing my Lightroom catalog to make space - I still don’t know what that means…Anyways, having meticulously recovered at least these past couple of months, I am going to still try to update this thing. 

     10 days ago I was fortunate enough to celebrate my 23rd birthday with my closest friends at Busboys and Poets in Arlington. Never one for large crowds, let alone large crowds focused on me, I have to say the dinner went by amazingly. It was the overlapping of many different circles of friends and family and, as one of my friends put it, it was “real-life google circles”! Among the guests were my best friend Lillian of whom I have had a love-hate relationship for the past 5 years. She’s seen my at my best and at my worst and has been with me through many an emotional, physical and natural disaster. I couldn’t ask for a better person to keep me frustrated and grounded as her and love her with all my heart. But sometimes I just want to shake the hell out of her. Next was the amazing power couple Jerry and Sonja. Jerry was with me through my photography semester and represented to me the discovery and embrace of the art half of my life. He represented the completely different world of art I had the privilege to live and grow in ultimately shaping me into a braver, bolder gentleman. He is also the responsibility circle of my friends. Work hard, play hard and treat your lady right - you are my #gent for life Jerry Jones! Then there was Sean Lacey! My co-worker, my good friend and my partner in adventure. Sean has shown and taught me not only a huge amount of gear knowledge but has opened my eyes to the world of good honest adventuring. Gone are the days off spent in my house or just sleeping in. If you don’t have anything planned that day get outside and have an adventure or do something for the community. Since meeting him in just these short 3 months I have hiked 4 mountains (one completely at night), spent the day stacking hay and repairing trailers at a farm and manned beer tent at a huge outdoor concert. I learned from Sean the value of being active and giving back. I learned from him the value of living a simple, honest, hardworking life. That there isn’t ever anything to big or too small to be considered an adventure and that there are times where you just need to strap on your boots and “TAP THEM OUT”! Then there was my sister Ivy Te (to the right of me). She’s been with me as long as Lillian has and has always been there to keep my spirits up. Kindred spirits, we have always been able to talk heart to heart through thick and thin and there aren’t many people out there that understand and care about me as much as she does. Always the voice of reason and patience she has helped me with my decisions and has always been there to appreciate my taste in clothes and music haha. If Lillian is the devil, which she is, then Ivy is the angel and I love her to death. My fantastic family was there too! My cousins Kanika, Lisa and Michael were all there. Kanika has become not only a closer cousin and friend to me but she is also my kick-ass-ready-to-rumble BJJ partner in crime! It was because of her and a groupon that we discovered Silverback Academy and that my life has been blessed with BJJ. I really owe her for constantly driving me to go to practice and for always being there to listen to my silly life rants. My life has become more confident, patient and stronger because of BJJ and her. My cousins Lisa and Michael have grown up with me. We went through all of the awkward growing stages and then some but they have always supported me. Even during my fat, geeky, yugioh playing days they would still invite me out to parties and the such and man do I appreciate how patient they were haha! My twin basically, Lisa has gone through college with the same “become a doctor” pressure that I have and, seeing as how neither of us are doctors, I can say she is in the same “omg what am I going to do with my life” boat I am in now. Always there to talk life with me, I love my cousin Lisa to death and would do anything for her. Of course the dinner couldn’t have been complete without my boys (Manisha included)! I grew up with these hoodlums and couldn’t have asked for a better group of guys! I say hoodlum but it’s ironic seeing as how Johnny is my age and already has a master’s degree, several published scientific papers, a girlfriend (yes that’s an accomplishment) and is on his way to becoming an extreme kayaker. Mason just graduated and is already working a salary job for Accenture, is an avid fisher and is a consistant gym rat (and he’s single ladies). Manisha, aside from knowing every exotic dance known to man, is both a teacher and a lab tech all in the meanwhile applying to medical school. Needless to say, one’s character can be seen in the people they choose to surround themselves with and I must say I am blessed to have so many amazing people in my life - they make me look really, really good. I love these people to death and know they will be with me for the long haul. Here’s to a birthday well-spent with people well-loved. 

Trek On,
