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   This past weekend I had the opportunity to help family friend, Dr. Frederick Zamon, with the youth fishing program of the Fairfax Springfest at the Occoquan Regional Park. It was probably the most I’ve ever handled fishing lines, bait and children in my life but I have to say that it was incredibly fulfilling. It was nice to see so many happy families out and about enjoying something as simple as fishing. And that was just it, not one family caught any fish but as the parents returned the rods I could see smiles across their faces. It was a chance to share an experience with their kids on a beautiful day.

     I got to meet fellow volunteer, Anastasia. I don’t exaggerate when I say she was the brightest high schooler I’ve met in a long time. She wants to become a photographer, more specifically, a wildlife photographer! You can imagine my excitement! I was basically holding myself back from barraging her with a mountain of life advice (I think I did anyways). I essentially told her a little bit about my journey thus far and how important it was to follow your dreams. Corny, yes, but I told her how much time I feel like I wasted not doing what I wanted from the start. When something grips you enough to be called your passion there is really little else you need to think about. Pursue it, engulf yourself in its art, become the best and never stop chasing it and you won’t regret where you end up. Not to say that it won’t be hard - hell it will be the hardest thing you’ve ever done. But what is a life spent walking a prescribed path? What is a life spent “working now so I can enjoy life later”? Not everyone has the same definition of a happy life, and it’s taken me this long to see that. Alas, I digress. Between wanting to become a photographer and her love for choreography, I hope Anastasia never stops pursueing her dream. I really look forward to the awesomeness you will be growing up to be!

(I don’t know if she will ever find this post)  

Here’s to keeping on going.

Trek On,
